Welcome to Prince Tucker's blog! This is going to be all about the life and times of my adorable rescued lab puppy as he learns and grows into an adorable overgrown lab puppy!
The beginning-
Valentine's Day 2014 was not the day we planned to take a trip to Pets Inc but after casually mentioning it would be an awesome thing to finally adopt another dog after losing my most beloved mastiff Titan in December 2012 my husband decided that was exactly what we were going to do.
I walked in that door with something very specific in my mind. I wanted an adult dog who was housebroken and I was not going to budge at all on it. There had just been a pretty bad winter storm (bad for South Carolina anyway) and every time we would ask to look at a dog they wouldn't be there because they were with a foster family due to the weather. We asked about 4 or 5 dogs and it never worked out. The whole time though I was walking by this pen inside with 3 black lab puppies in it. I didn't even give them a second look any of the times I looked because I did not want a puppy. My husband and daughter kept suggesting to look at this one puppy in the pen. Finally after about half an hour of persuasion (nagging!) I finally gave in and agreed to look. The very first thing I saw was this lazy puppy sleeping on of his sisters and his other sister walking all over him. We picked up both the girls first but they weren't really interested in anything but each other. So, my husband picked up the boy and this little sleepy boy kissed him and then reached for me (seriously) and decided he was never going to let go...and I tried to get him to let go. He slept on my shoulder the whole time we were filling out the adoption paperwork and whenever I would try to move him he hang on with his claws to make sure he wasn't going anywhere. At the end of that day it didn't matter what I wanted, the little lab puppy chose me.
So we brought him home and the adventure is just beginning! We spent the whole first night trying to think of a name for him and absolutely nothing worked. I will never know where Tucker came from but he responded to it the first time I said it and after hours of trying to look up names the one that came off the top of my head is the one that stuck. People will not believe me but this little poop monster of mine is a brilliant dog. He learned sit the first night he was home and if you say "hey Tucker" to him he will wave. It is an excellent for someone who can't seem to find his wee wee pad unless he is sleeping on it. I am also convinced that he is half cat as he meows. It has only been a week and this little lab puppy already has me wrapped and he knows it.
Since everyday is an adventure I think I am going to my best to write everyday about one of them. For now I will close with a picture of Prince Tucker, The Royal Cuteness of His House!