Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Let's try to do this.

Tucker is now 5 months old. I'm slack but I am going to try. Here are some highlights from the last 3 months.

The night Tucker was adopted. We had no idea what we were in for...

Pillow puppy! He still tries this at 40 lbs. it's just not possible anymore.

This is when I should have known that this was no ordinary dog. This adventure was really starting.

Getting comfy!


I can look normal! Don't let it fool you!

The human has given me a bath and made me look like a gremlin. There will be no forgiveness! NONE!

GREMLIN! still no forgives...

Alright human! You can have my forgives.
On your lap? Please? Look at my face!
Happy! I gets my way!
Uhh cheese?

Outside! Poop!

These lessons aren't working. I must be doing something wrong...


Smiles! Yeah you get it!

Yay porch!

Shoe noms! Give me that shoe!

Handsome? I know!

Sock thief.

But a happy sock thief.

Now that I have done this maybe I can get back on track with this thing. This dog finds a way to amaze and surprise me every day. I am loving this adventure.

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